Do you feel like this at work?

You may be working for a dysfunctional company!!
Don't panic - yet
Help is on the way
Wounded employees wrapped in bandages . . .
Zombies wandering around the office . . .
All signs of a dysfunctional company . . .
Other warning signs:
> A high Asshole Density Ratio (ADR)
> Dead employees at their desks
> Employees trapped in meetings
> Managers dressed like knights
> Blood-shot eyes staring at e-mails
> Consultants wearing tin-foil helmets
> Rows of cubicles out to the horizon
But wait there’s more:
Imponderable bureaucracies . . .
Office politics and cubicle warfare. . .
Company psychobabble . . .
Out-of-touch executives . . .
The 7 Habits of Highly Dysfunctional Companies
Your anti-manual of how not to run a company
First Place - The BookFest - Spring 2024
Business Leadership - Work Culture, Humor
Review: Books That Make You . . .
“The 7 Habits of Highly Dysfunctional Companies isn’t just a parody; it’s a playful poke at corporate culture and a clever critique wrapped up in laughs.”
Second Place - The BookFest - Fall 2024
Humor - Love, Marriage, Relationships, Sex
Third Place - The BookFest - Fall 2024
Relationships - Family
In The Press
Joel Dubin
Joel Dubin is an adult survivor of the corporate world. He is a retired cybersecurity consultant who spent decades banging his head against the wall working with messed up companies around the world. One day, after a stressful day – like every day – when he was about to throw a chair through a window, he had a sick thought. There had to be a better way. He noticed seven common traits of screwed up businesses and assembled them into a book, just before he was about to be carted away to an insane asylum.
He is also a polyglot fluent in several languages, including gibberish, which enabled him to do business in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. He is the author of another humor book, Yes Dear! A Husband’s Guide to Marriage and both editions of the not-humorous book, The Little Black Book of Computer Security. He has an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University.
His other humor book, Yes Dear! is based on his happy three-decades plus marriage to Sara Guralnick, children’s book author and jewelry designer. They live in Chicago.